Original Music
These Walls
A virtual production of an original 10-minute musical, co-written with Caitlin Collins (book and lyrics). Presented through the Sound Bites 7.0 festival with Theatre Now. Performed by Melody Butiu, Drew McVety, Leana Rae Concepcion, and Daniel Scott Walton; Directed by Scott Weinstein.
"Lead Her Lover Home"
Lyrics by Julia Gannon; performed by Julia Gannon, Matthew Lowy (piano), and Jessica Wang (cello).
"Nowhere Loop"
Lyrics by Marialena DiFabbio. From a musical in development, following the story of a nurse at the beginning of the pandemic in NYC.
"Amanda's Holiday Vacation"
Lyrics by Marialena DiFabbio. Adapted from The Holiday, a film by Nancy Meyers. Developed at the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop - Second Year Project. Performed by Amanda Lopez and Maya Keleher, and Josh Roberts (drums).
"Just Like the Movies"
Lyrics by Marialena DiFabbio. Adapted from The Holiday, a film by Nancy Meyers. Developed at the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop - Second Year Project. Performed by Philip Hoffman.